Do you want to make money online? Do you want to sell hosting services without investing anything? Here’s how you can become a reseller hosting provider with zero investment.

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Today, we will show you how you can start your own hosting company and how you can start selling hosting services without needing to have any prior experience in the web hosting world.

ResellersPanel’s free reseller program

With most reseller hosting providers on the web, you will have to pay a monthly fee for the right to sell hosting services. You will be charged this fee regardless of whether you’ve made a sale, so if you haven’t attracted any or enough customers, you will end up losing money.

Things are different with ResellersPanel. What they offer is a free reseller hosting program, which allows you to sell hosting services without having to pay anything in advance. There are no deposits, no recurring fees, no billing charges, no hidden taxes. It doesn’t matter if you’ve made a sale – you won’t be charged a dime. And you can sell the full range of web hosting services – from regular web hosting packages, through virtual servers, to dedicated servers.

Also, with ResellersPanel’s fully automated reseller hosting platform, you won’t need to know anything about server management or customer support to become a hosting reseller.

All you will need to do is slightly customize the hosting store that they will give you for free with the help of handy drop-down menus (no code modifications are required) and you’ll be good to go. All this makes their reseller hosting program accessible to virtually everyone.

Another strong point of their reseller program is that they will provide all your hosting customers with technical support on behalf of your brand name – something, which is either not available with other providers, or is offered as a costly feature. And with the customer support provision taken care of, you will be free to focus on other aspects of your hosting business.

As there is no paid version of their reseller program, there are no “premium” features either. You will have at hand all the tools you need to maintain a successful reseller hosting business right from the start.

Here is how to start your first store with ResellersPanel:

Create a free reseller hosting account

1. Create a free account: You will need to provide some basic signup information. No credit card details or other sorts of payment data will be required whatsoever.

2. Log into your Reseller Control Panel: Once you’ve signed up, you will get an email with the login details. From there you will be able to log into your reseller dashboard where you will see your new, ready-to-be-branded store. You will be able to choose which hosting services you will be offering to your customers and what their prices will be.

3. Customize your store: It’s now time to customize the look of your new reseller hosting store a little bit. You’ll have quick access to your store’s admin area where you will find a host of customization options. You will be able to edit your store’s metadata, to alter the textual content, to modify the color scheme, to update the page layout, to select a new font, etc. All these options are accessible via handy drop-down menus. And every time you make a change, you will see how it will impact the overall look of your store in real time.

This whole process takes about 30 minutes of your time and at the end you will have a real-life working hosting store, from where you can sell fully fledged hosting services online. And since you do not spend anything while setting up your company, every dollar you make is pure profit.

All in all, the reseller hosting program by ResellersPanel is well worth its salt, so if you are looking for an easy and cost-effective way to get into the hosting market, you should give it a try today.