Successful bloggers don’t just write articles. They also edit their articles and contribute guest posts, respond to comments on their blogs and spend time promoting their blogs. How do they manage all of these? Of course, they organize themselves to keep their blogging productivity at the optimum level. [You can read about six tips to improve your productivity as a blogger.]

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Top bloggers are not successful by fluke. Had it been so, they wouldn’t have been able to create a series of popular blogs that earn huge amount of money. They must be doing something that helps them drive traffic to their blogs and attract advertisers.

In this article, I will share with you the blogging schedule of a fictitious successful blogger. Successful people are more organized which helps them to invest time for all things that are necessary. Better time management also makes them more efficient and productive.

Let us assume that our blogger works on just one blog and spends four hours a day working on it. What all does he do that makes us revere and envy him simultaneously? Below is a pie chart that shows how he organizes his time spent working for the blog.

Time Management For Successful Blogging

Generating Ideas: Our successful blogger spends 1 hour generating ideas. During this time he looks for ideas to write, does some research for possible topics, creates outlines for posts and looks for appropriate keywords to target. He also uses Google Keywords Analysis Tool to keep a track of the keywords being used by his competitors. He does not restrict himself on the Internet. He spends some time reading newspaper, books and magazines to generate unique and interesting ideas and viewpoints.

Content Creation: Once he has finalized the outline of his next article, he sits down before his computer and starts the actual work of writing the article. He spends 2 hours a day in actual content creation. He also edits and proofreads his article during this time. It helps make his articles sharp and effective. Error-free copies also make him look more professional and credible. He makes use of search engine optimization and SEO copywriting in his articles.

Our successful blogger also writes articles for other blogs and sites. He also contributes to local print newspapers and magazines. Guest blogging and writing for the traditional media helps promote his blog to newer audiences. It takes him almost the same effort and time to write guest posts as an article for his own blog. He does this on a regular basis.

Comments and Discussion: Our blogger knows that his readers are the most important asset of his blog. This is why he makes it a point to respond to comments from is visitors. He tries to solve their doubts and answer their queries. He knows that a plain and simple “Hi Jenny” can be the beginning of a relationship with a reader. Since our blogger is very popular, he gets a lot of comments. He spends 1 hour moderating and responding to comments. He also visits the sites of his readers and tries to leave  comments.

Blog Promotion: Any blog cannot survive on great content alone. Our successful blogger is familiar with the fact that one needs to promote a blog on various social media, forums and other platforms. So he spends 1 hour promoting his blog.

He is an active member of several popular forums in his niche. He also makes it a point to visit other blogs in his niche. Our blogger maintains a list of blogs that he visits regularly and takes part in discussions over there. He leaves meaningful comments that add value to the articles. This helps him network with his fellow bloggers and brings some new readers. Some blogs give “Do-Follow” links that also give him link juice.

Apart from his regular online efforts, he makes sure to share links to his blog with people he meets offline. His emails also have a link to his blog.

Apart from the above activities, our blogger keeps experimenting with various ways of monetizing blogs. He uses ads, affiliates, products, etc., for making money.

Our blogger has just one blog to take care of. A blogger with multiple blogs will have a different schedule, but the basic principle will remain the same-making the best use of available time for maximum benefits. Some bloggers may have some specific requirements and will need to follow a modified schedule.

Is our successful blogger doing everything right? Do you have any suggestions to help improve his productivity? Is he missing something that can make his blog more successful?